Temporary accommodation to open in Redlands

Last updated: 
24 May 2024 12:15PM  
First published: 
3 April 2023 10:40AM

A former retirement village in Redland Bay will soon become home to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The State Government has leased the property to provide temporary accommodation to people in urgent need of housing.

The property includes two three-bedroom homes and 26 studio units with communal facilities, including a commercial kitchen, activities room and dining room.

The State Government will lease the vacant property for at least two years with residents expected to move into the accommodation in the coming months.

The studio units are partially self-contained, with a separate shower and toilet, and are suitable for adult singles and couples. The three-bedroom homes will be offered to adult families.

Tenancies for the property will be managed by a local community housing provider and residents will be referred through the Bayside Housing Service Centre

Leasing this former retirement village is just one of the innovative solutions the Queensland Government is implementing to help people in immediate housing need, while supporting them to secure longer-term housing outcomes.

If you need housing support, you can contact your local Housing Service Centre or call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.

Find out more about how we’re increasing housing supply in Queensland.