National Construction Code 2022

The National Construction Code 2022 (NCC 2022) sets out the requirements for the design and construction of a building in Australia, including its plumbing and drainage. This incorporates minimum required levels for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of certain buildings.

The NCC 2022 is amended triennially and given legal effect through Queensland’s Building Act 1975 and is varied through amendments to the Building Regulation that adopts the Queensland Development Code.

NCC 2022 uses a new structure and referencing system to create better consistency across all volumes. The new Section-Part-Type-Clause system aims to improve the user experience and make it more web accessible.

When does NCC 2022 come into effect?

Commenced 1 May 2023 - bushfire protection, early childhood centres, face mounted balustrade, falls to floor waste, quantification, wind loads for housing, waterproofing.

Commenced 1 October 2023 – condensation, electric vehicle charging and the first phase of livable housing.

Commenced 1 May 2024 – energy efficiency.

Commences 1 September 2025 – lead in plumbing products.

Modern Homes standards

The Modern Homes standards reflect community aspirations to combat climate change and provide a more inclusive society.

Climate change projections indicate annual average temperatures will rise between 0.5 and 1.5 degrees Celsius in Queensland by 2030. The building sector is responsible for 14% of Queensland’s carbon emissions.

Improving the energy efficiency of new buildings is a cost-effective way to save money at the household level and reduce emissions to support emissions reduction targets.

Around 1.1 million Queenslanders live with a disability.

  • During the 10-year period ending June 2016, the state’s aging population grew by 47% compared to the national rate of 38%.
  • Approximately 1 in 9 people aged 64 and younger and 1 in 2 people aged 65 and over have a disability.

Impact of Modern Homes changes

The changes require builders and developers to change their standard plans, embed some popular design choices and reconsider how to achieve energy efficiency. However, economic analysis demonstrates that if designed in, these changes should add no more than 1 to 2 percent to the cost of a new build, improve equity, reduce energy usage and avoid expensive retrofits.

Transitional arrangements apply to changes to building assessment provisions under section 37 of the Building Act 1975. New homes that were already significantly designed or where construction commenced prior to the introduction of the Modern Homes standards were not impacted by these changes.

The Department of  Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW) has prepared a Guideline for applying section 37 of the Building Act 1975 (PDF, 241.36 KB) to assist building certifiers in applying transitional provisions.

DHLGPPW has developed a new non-mandatory Form 77 Variation to building assessment provisions to help building certifiers document decisions about the transitional provisions.

There are supportive transition measures to ensure smooth implementation of the Modern Homes standards, with a review of the changes to occur 6 and 12 months after the energy efficiency changes commenced.

More information

For more information about the NCC 2022, visit the Australian Building Codes Board’s website.