Governance committee for First Nations Housing and Homelessness

Following the launch of Our Place, we are forming a new governance committee – the Queensland First Nations Housing and Homelessness Partnership (QFNHH Partnership).

We are currently accepting expressions of interest (EOI) from people who wish to join. Read more about the partnership and how to submit an EOI.

About the partnership

The QFNHH Partnership will provide strategic direction and guide implementation of the Our Place Roadmap and Action Plan.

Evidence shows better outcomes for First Nations peoples when solutions are grounded in culture and led by community.

Through the QFNHH Partnership, decisions about First Nations housing and homelessness initiatives will be shared with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Over the next 2 years, the partnership will:

  • co-design a long-term approach to sharing decision-making authority with First Nations peoples across Queensland
  • shift power from government to local voices and communities, allowing space for First Nations peoples and communities to determine their own housing priorities
  • guide First Nations housing and homelessness policy recommendations and investment decisions
  • guide Queensland’s participation in the Closing the Gap Housing Policy Partnership.

The QFNHH Partnership is established through the Our Place: A First Nations Housing and Homelessness Roadmap to 2031 (PDF, 2566.42 KB).

It will include around 10 members with a majority of First Nations peoples.

The QFNHH Partnership will be co-chaired by:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland
  • Director-General, Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works.

Expressions of interest

We are seeking expressions of interest from people to join the QFNHH Partnership.

We are looking for strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders with knowledge, skills and experience in:

  • housing and homelessness policy
  • understanding of lived experiences of First Nations peoples
  • representing the views of First Nations peoples
  • working with various audiences, including government and community
  • Indigenous rights, advocacy and social justice
  • negotiating, mediating and delivering rights-based outcomes
  • knowledge of Indigenous cultural and intellectual property, and Indigenous data sovereignty and governance.

We strongly encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from a range of backgrounds to apply, including Elders, young people, and people from rural and remote areas, including the Torres Strait.

Express your interest by either:

Applications close 5 July 2024.

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