About QGAO

Being one of the largest accommodation providers in Queensland with a portfolio of $2.1 billion, the Queensland Government Accommodation Office (QGAO) manages a significant building and residential portfolio.

We provide over 1 million square metres of office accommodation and approximately 2900 government employee residences for  government employees who deliver critical frontline services in regional and remote communities. We also manage key community assets such as convention centres, heritage buildings, bridges, statues and other property assets.

Our professionalism and leadership in the office accommodation and government employee housing sector enables us to strategically support our customer agencies to deliver their services to Queenslanders. We have comprehensive knowledge of adaptive spaces and human centred design approaches to support an evolving workforce, technology capability and service delivery.

Our expertise lies in our ability to undertake accommodation and residential planning, supported by contemporary and adaptable fit-out design, that considers sustainability and the environment.

We support critical frontline service delivery in regional and remote locations across Queensland by supplying safe, secure, and suitable government employee housing to attract and retain skilled government workers such as teachers, nurses, doctors, and police officers.

The construction and upgrades of our houses and apartments supports economic growth in remote communities by using local trades and suppliers where-ever possible, improving economic outcomes in these locations.