Procurement division
Procurement provides expert advisory, enabling and support services to agencies, suppliers and the community in the achievement of procurement outcomes. We are responsible for managing the Queensland Government’s procurement policy and related frameworks, category lead and manager of critical supply arrangements under the General Goods and Services category for Queensland Government. We are also responsible for fleet management and provide advisory services.
We provide expert advice to stakeholders and enable agencies to achieve their procurement outcomes by:
- sharing procurement information, best practice and innovation
- developing whole-of-government frameworks in areas including capability, accreditation and performance
- working with agencies to reduce the cost of doing business with the Queensland Government.
Our major work areas are:
Queensland Government Procurement
The Queensland Government has an agency-led, centrally enabled procurement operating model. Under this model agencies are responsible for conducting their own procurement activities within a whole-of-government framework of legislation, procurement-related policies and minimum standards.
Queensland Government Procurement provides expert procurement policy advice and support to agencies. These services are designed to enable agencies to achieve best value for money outcomes in their procurement activities.
Key services and responsibilities include:
- stewardship of the Queensland Government Procurement Strategy, Queensland Procurement Policy and related guidance, tools and templates
- social procurement guidance and advice
- consulting with government agencies who are responsible for procurement-related policies
- whole-of-government procurement data and analytics
- systems support for QTenders and the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory
- secretariat for the Queensland Government Procurement Committee, Procurement Ministerial Advisory Council and Heads of Procurement Network
- procurement capability, training and professional development initiatives
- Growing Queensland Business roadshows, events, awards, supplier recognition initiatives and case studies
- procurement advisory services.
General Goods and Services
The General Goods and Services area provides category management and a lifecycle approach to establishing and managing common use supply arrangements. Our team delivers real value for Queensland by focusing on economic, ethical, social, and environmental priorities while leveraging government’s purchasing power to benefit Queenslanders.
QFleet is a commercialised business unit and is responsible for whole-of-government fleet management and advisory services.
Our services include:
- vehicle procurement and contract management
- fleet advisory services to public sector departments and government-funded organisations
- in-service maintenance and accident management
- end-of-life repairs
- vehicle re-marketing.
Queensland Government Procurement Compliance Branch
The Queensland Government Procurement Compliance Branch has been established to ensure a level playing field where government suppliers and agencies meet their commitments under the:
- Queensland Procurement Policy (QPP)
- Ethical Supplier Threshold
- Ethical Supplier Mandate
- Building and Construction Training Policy
- Best Practice Principles (BPP)
- Local Benefits Test
- Food and Beverage Directory.
More information
- Find more information on procurement
- For procurement-related complaints email, or phone 1300 105 030 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm).
- Subscribe to our supplier and buyer mailing lists to keep up to date with the latest procurement news and events.
- Find out how businesses can supply goods and services to Queensland Government buyers.
For Queensland Government employees
Connect Join ProQr—our procurement community of practice on QG Yammer